BFA - Angola Weekly

Dear subscriber [name],

Here is this last week’s Angola Weekly.


  •  Last week, the Angolan State announced the end of the cap on gasoline subsidy cards until April 30th, a measure defined to mitigate the negative impacts of the beginning of the removal of subsidies.

  • External public debt ended 2023 at USD 49.6 Billion (B), the lowest value in the last three years.

  • International reserves ended the month of February valued at USD 14.2 B, USD 349 million less compared to the previous month.

  • The price of a barrel of Brent oil, a reference for Angolan exports, ended last week trading at USD 82.08, USD -1.47 compared to the end of the previous week, influenced by increases in OPEC production and concerns about attacks in the Middle East.

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