BFA - Angola Weekly

Dear subscriber [name],

Here is this last week’s Angola Weekly.


• Last week, ACREP announced the sale of 900,890 shares, which will take place between February 19th and March 1st.

• The Angolan State decided to reduce the unit value of non-adjustable treasury bonds to AOA 1,000, against the previous AOA 100,000.

• The Government of Angola intends to privatize 31 assets this year. According to data released last week by the ministry of finance, in 2023 only 11 of the 74 planned assets were sold, totaling a contracted value of AOA 47,9B.

• The price of a barrel of Brent oil, a reference for Angolan exports, ended the week trading high, USD 82.6 (+ USD 4.6 compared to the previous week).

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