Talking to BFA is easy. Call 923 120 120.
Talk to us
The BFA Customer Support is available 24/7. If you have any questions, suggestions or complaints, talk to us.
Only available in Portuguese.
Personalized Service - From 06h to 23h59
IVR Automatic Attendance - From 00h to 05h59.
1. Call 923 120 120
2. Tell us what you’re calling about
• Convenient
• Fast
• No waiting in line
The cost per call to the BFA Customer Support depends on each operator’s charges.
Drop your question or find your nearest Branch
Talk to us
Submetido com sucesso.
Foi enviado um código de confirmação para o seu email. Para concluir o processo deve guardar o código e dirigir-se a um balcão BFA.
Encontrar o balcãoEUR | 186,302 | 191,891 |